
Getting Things Done Series 6

Ended Feb 21, 2019

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Getting Things Done (GTD) is open to current Rice University employees. If you’re not a current Rice University employee, but are interested in taking the class, contact Marie Wehrung at for assistance.

Research shows mental clutter, or information overload, has significant negative effects on our productivity, relationships, happiness, and overall quality of life. It’s the stuff that keeps us up at night, reduces our focus on what is important, and prohibits us from making progress on what really matters.

Are you always busy, but rarely productive? Do you start your day with good intentions and finish your day further behind? Are you letting others (or yourself) down because you can’t follow through on commitments? If you or others in your organization are falling victim to work overload, modern-workplace chaos, and the overwhelming anxiety that comes from too much (and not enough time), this training is for you. GTD Training uses a common language and system to help individuals, teams, and organizations manage their mind, time, space, stress, and productivity.

GTD Training teaches participants a set of skills following the CCORE system to achieve purposeful, stress-free
  • Capture—collect what has your attention
  • Clarify—process what it means
  • Organize—put it where it belongs
  • Reflect & Engage—review frequently and take action
Learn how to how to increase focus on the most meaningful work, organize information, prioritize commitments, create mental space for innovation, and achieve stress-free productivity, so you get more of the right stuff done.