Spatial Visualization Pre-test
Ended Oct 31, 2024
Full course description
Spatial visualization skills provide you with the ability to mentally predict how objects appear from different perspectives and to visualize potential solution paths to problems. The role of spatial skills is evident across engineering and computer science curriculum, and essential to your success as an engineer.
Spatial visualization skills develop through experiences, and not typically included in formal education. Research has shown that engineering students with more developed spatial visualization skills, on average get better grades in engineering, math, and science courses. Many incoming students arrive with adequate spatial visualization skills. However, some incoming students need the opportunity to improve and further develop this important area. The good news is that spatial visualization skills can be improved with practice.
To assess your spatial visualization skills, each incoming student in the School of Engineering must complete the online version of the Purdue Spatial Visualization Test. It is a graphical assessment; takes 25 minutes or less to complete and involves 30 multiple choice problems.
The results of the assessment will help to gauge your spatial visualization skills and will help us determine whether you should enroll in ENGI 100, Introduction to Spatial Visualization, during your first semester. ENGI 100 is a one-credit course in which students spend time in class developing their spatial visualization skills. For students who need to enroll in ENGI 100, your Divisional Advisor, O-week advisors, and PAAs at your college can assist you in this process.
No materials required.
No advanced preparation or pre-requisites required or recommended.
Time expectation for completion: 30 minutes.
This course is for all incoming students (new students and transfers) intending on a major in the School of Engineering. Students should complete the course/assessment by 5pm Wednesday or O-Week.